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He's 7 ft. tall, weighs 500 lb. and you -- yes, you -- are expected to plunk down $34.95 for the privilege of watching him wrestle for the WWE championship next weekend...
Articles | Просмотров: 662 | Author: TJ MADIGAN | Добавил: BIG_SHOW | Дата: 2006-09-11 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 | Комментарии (0)

"The Big Show' Paul Wight sounds off about what he learned from his demotion, his early WCW success and the controversy surrounding the word 'goofs'
The world of professional wrestling is full of peaks and valleys. Just ask Paul Wight, who after standing on the top of the tallest peak, made the long, unenviable descent into the flattest, widest of valleys...
Articles | Просмотров: 781 | Добавил: BIG_SHOW | Дата: 2006-09-11 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 | Комментарии (0)

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